There is a lot to pack into each Harmonica session. By following our Golden Rules everybody will make good progress and have more fun. We like to show how much we value music learning, how much we appreciate our teacher and each other, and how we can encourage and help one another.
Here’s what we expect from every Harp Academy student:
Respect your musical instrument and equipment:
• Bring your music folder and equipment to each lesson
• Make sure your name is on your harmonica and other kit items
• If your harmonica has a lanyard, use it and leave the safety catch connected
• Hand in your Music Diary at the start of each lesson and be ready to play
• Do not throw, damage or break your harmonica
• Do not borrow or lend harmonicas
Respect your teacher and others:
• Stop playing when your teacher asks you to
• Raise your hand if you have a question or answer
• Listen when your teacher is talking or demonstrating
• Listen when others are playing or speaking
• Don’t damage other people’s music sheets or belongings
• Never punch, kick, push or bully another student
• Never use words that will be hurtful to others
Respect yourself:
• If there’s something you don’t understand, raise your hand
• If we’re going too fast, raise your hand
• If you’re not having fun, raise your hand
• If you forget your equipment that’s ok – you can still join in
• Mistakes are allowed – they’re our very best teachers
There are very few ways playing the harmonica can be dangerous. However, we should never throw our harmonica at anybody else, or swing it around by the lanyard, as it could cause injury. We should also never blow our harmonica (or shout) into someone else’s ear as this may permanently damage their hearing. Hiding under tables, standing on furniture or rocking on chairs is also very dangerous – this is how bumps, slips and falls happen. Make sure the only thing that rocks in your music lesson is your harmonica!
Be kind. Be happy. Be the best version you.