Autumn Term 2024 – Time to Sign Up!

Autumn 2024 
We launch our Autumn harmonica learning and club activities from 16th September 2024 and we very much hope you will join us. Our rates and payment options have not changed. Details of our teaching plan and theme are below.

First timer?
Welcome! We offer all newcomers a free Taster Session, which includes a free starter harmonica to keep. Simply click the Golden Harmonica on our homepage, complete your details, and we will email further information. Our email and this website explain what to do after your taster session, but feel free to ask any questions!

Back for more?
Termly subscriptions are £75.00 (10 sessions) payable in advance. You can also pay in two half termly instalments of £40.00 (5 sessions), payable ahead of your first and sixth sessions respectively.

Payment can be made by bank transfer, or through our Store using a credit/debit card (no need to log in). We regret that we are unable to accept childcare vouchers. Further information, including our account details, is available on our How To Pay page.
